Community and Business - Wayne Strnad's Health Video Corner
Wayne Strnad believes in making available to the entire community of people and business owners, information that they very well might use in their day-to-day existence. Some of it may be controversial, depending on which side of the fence you're on, but the fact is that people need an open mind to anything that is new or a divergent from the traditional approach to something.
So that the FDA does not get all racked out of shape over what appears on this website, let me state that I am forced by their primative and one-sided rules that go something to the effect that "These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. These products are not intended to diagnosis, treat, cure or prevent any disease." must appear somewhere. Funny, really, because this is the same governmental group that refuses to test anything that is natural based as a cure for anything. Fact: neary 25% of all phama drugs used to treat medical "conditions" are plant based. Also, in China there are remedies that have been used over 2000 years but the FDA, in their assinine approach to testing, will not even consider cures for things outside of the USA. Question becomes, who do they really take their marching orders from - the AMA or big pharma, or both?
As new research is released, you'll be able to see the information here.