
Reduce Your Cellulite Now


This Month

Here are some general information types of the websites I found that you might find interesting.

This list is not complete by any means.  There are new technologies cropping up nearly every day, across the world.

As in anything you look at, you should take the approach of "an open mind" and read about the topic before you draw any conclusions.  It is only when you have absorbed the information, analyzed it, and then draw conclusions that you can truly say you understand what the topic is about.  This could take months or years to complete.  If you stay strong then you can do it.  I have faith in you, even though I do not know you!  Why?  Because if you have the will to do something, it can be done.  An old saying is, "Where there is a will, there is a way!"

Alternatives to Cancer Cure Recommended Readings   
 History Cancer Therapies   

Cancer - Think Outside the Box




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Related Information
and Sites

Url Address for Site


Last Updated 

Wayne Strnad - Primary Site waynestrnad.info  Updated News from Many Sources  May 6, 2013 
Command Control  commandcontrol.us Database Software for your desktop. 

May 1, 2013

Version 1.3 

Introductory Algebra  algebramath.net  Wayne Strnad's book on Introductory Algebra May 6, 2013 
My Learner Center  mylearnercenter.com Various instructional materials.  May 6, 2013 
How to Write a Petition  howtowriteapetition.net Getting money for your community.  Dec 25, 2013 


Additional Databases that you can view....

News from various sources that deal with your health, environment and issues that affect all of us.

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