This page has the content of past opening pages for the web site
You have arrived on the home page for my web site.
Thank you for stopping by and I hope you enjoy yourself during your visit, no matter how brief it may be. I encourage you to dig deep and discover the truth, whatever you may think it is, and tell others about it. It is your right to speak out and voice your opinion.
This web site cannot be read by a human being in one sitting due to the extent and complexity of the material that is presented. Be sure to bookmark any pages you think can help you.
There are multiple levels to this site that you will discover through the navigation system that appears under my photo. You’ll see:
FAQ - Stands for Frequently Asked Question Services - the services that we provide Recommendations - either software or reading/video material that has been tested by us About - What this site is about, what Wayne Strnad has done over the years, etc.
Currently there are multiple levels to the Services and Recommendation navigation items that drill down to eight levels.
I think you will find the material different, enjoyable and in part, shocking to say the least. I am not afraid to take on issues that involve our constitutional rights, our freedoms, or the outrageous taxation we experience every day of our lives instituted by every level of government. As you might have imagined, I live in the highest taxed area in the entire country: Cook County, Chicago, Illinois.