Everything that I recommend I have tested. This means I had to purchase the item.
On occasion the original writer or producer would allow affiliates to join her or his program. If the material was good enough to meet my high standards then I gladly became an affiliate.
Sometimes the material is PLR, which stands for Private Label Rights. Such rights generally allow the person who purchased the item to resell it or use it as a promotional piece to gather peoples email address in return for receiving the product. There are various restrictions for each PLR product that you purchase.
Will you build a massive list and make gobs of money? As with everything in life, the only guarantee that we all share is that we’ll all die. Some might call it an absolute. Will you make money? That is extremely hard to answer because many times things depend on how much effort you put into something to make it succeed. Analogously, for example, would you be able to solve a quadratic equation using the quadratic formula? The answer might be yes if you studied algebra and you could do it “cold turkey” so to speak. Could you eventually learn how to do it? The answer is probably yes given enough time to learn all the essential ingredients that make up the quadratic formula, how to work with square roots, etc.
In similar light, the answer is you will probably make money in time but how much is perhaps questionable. If anyone tells you you’re going to make an outrageous amount of money over some specified period of time, then this would raise a flag because it is probably not true!
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