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If you have never seen or heard about an autoresponder then let me clarify by stating what it does, its main purpose, how to get one set up, and how to create an email campaign.
What an Autoresponder Does.
The first purpose of an autoresponder is to collect a name, email address, or whatever fields you set up, and when a person fills out the information and submits it, the autoresponder sends a welcoming message along with a link.
The link that is set up is a very important link because when a person clicks the link contained in their email, the person is actually confirming that the email address submitted is really their email address. When things are set up in this fashion it’s called a double opt-in. Basically you use the double opt-in not only to confirm their email address but also to confirm that they are subscribing to your list.
What list, you might ask?
Well, it’s the list you want to create with a purpose defined by you. The best way is to illustrate by example.
Suppose you did your research and determined you found a niche with the topic parrot care. (To view some information about niche research click on this link.) So you would like to build a list that addresses things that pertain to parrots. Some potential topics could include the history of modern day parrots, dietary concerns for your feathered friends, vitamins and supplements, bonding with your parrot, and so forth. You’re research should help you determine the type of things you would like to address to your subscribers.
As another possibility you might like to create a newsletter about parrots and/or other exotic creatures. Heck, you might even be creative and sell advertising space in your newsletter, especially if you get a large number of subscribers.
"The Money Is In The List"
AWeber proves it to thousands of businesses every day.
When you’re in business you like to keep your customers informed about your special deals that they can get. If you have an email list of customers, then it might be very time consuming and basically just a lot of work, especially if you run a weekly sale. Imagine trying to send an email to 1000’s or even 100’s of customers every week. That is an extremely time consuming project in itself.
The answer to this problem is called an autoresponder. What it does is basically send prewritten emails on the day and time you tell it to send the email. You can also send a special alert, usually called a broadcast, any time you wish.
With an autoresonder you can set up your entire advertising/email campaign for any length of time that you wish. Many marketers set up their campaign for a few months ahead of time.
How to get one set up.
There are many companies that you can work with (make that subscribe to) that allow you to create and maintain your list(s) of subscribers.
There is even software that you can purchase to run your own autoresponder but that is only for those people and businesses who run their own server in house, have a dedicated ip-address and an internet service that is dedicated; there are many requirements before you can even think of setting up such a service. We’re not going to talk about that though because the information you need to set up a server alone requires a lot of work. The cost is usually prohibitive for the everyday person just trying to make some money on the internet. There are alternative that we’ll discuss later.
As already mentioned, there are several services that you can subscribe to that allow you to build your list. We have used AWeber for a few years now and they seem to be quite good in the service they offer. Yes, it does cost money but not enough to force you to break your piggy bank. You can watch their video that you see above as well as some of their introductory material about their service. Yes, we are affiliated with AWeber because we found their service to be of high caliper.
How to Create an Email Campaign.
Perhaps the worse part of any campaign is writing the copy that you need.
For the Expert with Knowledge.
If you are very well versed in some area then the worse part is actually sitting down and writing the copy. A typical email contains the following:
Subject Line - Use a headline that you think will get the attention of the subscriber. Your main purpose is to get the subscriber to open the email.
Body - This is the main message you want to give your subscriber. Do not forget to add links to the page that you want to direct your subscriber to.
Some specifics:
Be friendly. Think that the person your sending the email to is sitting across from you and you’re talking to them. Be natural.
Write in everyday English and don’t use too many “flowery” words that send someone to the dictionary. Of course, if the nature of your list is highly selective and the subject is more of a technical nature, then there is probably no way to avoid the “buzz words” of the subject. You’re sales copy and other material will forewarn the subscriber that what they will receive is more of a technical nature. In this case, it’s ok to send them to the dictionary because if they subscribe then they expect to learn something new.
For the Novice who’s just starting out.
Basically you have one thing - an idea. What are you going to do with it?
You need a plan. It does not need to be completely detailed but it should highlight your main idea. Put your plan to paper. This usually helps people clarify things in their mind.
The plan must use some research to see how viable the idea would be i.e. how many people are interested in your idea?
If you find that there are very few people interested in your idea then it might not be worth doing anything with. You’re idea must fall within some niche so that you can get some sort of traffic to your web page (sales page or list building page). If you have no traffic then you have no sales. No sales means No Money for you.
So, what many novices do to get started with their email campaign, is to look for products that they can affiliate with and then sell those products. There are several sources that you can use to find affiliate products. More on that later.