Many people who start out building an internet business do so with a simple idea. After some research that entails finding a “niche” they then need a product. Some people have a product such as something they have written and then try to fit it to a “niche.” In the latter case, you might find that there is no niche for the product.
There are two possibilities:
First, you can create your own product and try to sell it, or,
Second, find a product and affiliate yourself with the company.
In this part of Wayne’s Web, we are going to look at the second option - finding an affiliate product to promote.
One of the largest affiliate market companies is called Clickbank. When you visit their site you see the following opening screen. Notice that there are nearly $2 billion in sales as of this writing.
From here, you can click on either of the buttons labeled “Learn More.” A vendor is a person who has created a product and now wants to sell it through Clickbank; usually other affiliates with help sell your product and make a commission from the sale.
When you start out you probably do not have a product so you want to learn about Affiliates. However, if you already have a product then click on the picture above. It will lead you to the vendor’s opening screen.
Yes, we are a vendor of Clickbank and we also promote other people’s products that meet our high standards.