Twenty-three years ago today, the Exxon Valdez spilled more than 11 million gallons of crude oil off the coast of Alaska. The results were devastating to both wildlife and humans. The tragedy was a wake-up call about failed industry promises and the dangers of oil development to many Americans who saw the heartbreaking, graphic images of oil-covered birds, otters, and fish.
Millions of Americans who don’t want to see another Exxon Valdez disaster in 2012 have spoken out against oil drilling in the pristine and wild Arctic – but right now, Shell’s drill ships are on their way to the Arctic Ocean to begin drilling in just a few short weeks. With your help, the League has been running a smart, effective campaign to urge the President to stop Shell’s risky drilling plans – and we know he has been paying attention.
But now, Shell Oil is suing Alaska Wilderness League. They are using legal scare tactics to try and keep us from protecting this wild, pristine place that is home to polar bears, walrus, whales, and hundreds of species of birds. We won’t let Shell stop our campaign – and we need your support.
Why is Shell, an enormous, foreign oil company that makes millions of dollars every hour, suing Alaska Wilderness League, a grassroots, volunteer-driven non-profit organization whose sole mission is to protect Alaska’s wild lands, waters, wildlife, and the rights of Native people? It’s simple – they know our campaign is effective. They know the president is paying attention, and deciding whether to change course and protect the Arctic Ocean from their risky drilling plans. Shell is hoping to slow down our campaign – or worse, stop it all together.
But we won’t be bullied. Instead, we’ll ramp up our campaign to save the Arctic Ocean. We’ll redouble our efforts – with more grassroots events, more calls and petitions, and more smart, savvy media campaigns to expose the truth about the risks of drilling in the Arctic. We know we can make an impact – if we have the resources to go big. Are you in?