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Some Ward Superintendents think it's ok to overload a truck.

Truck Overload

Overloading a truck is both dangerous and a violation of State Law.  The community and business people alike must work to stop this.

In the City of Chicago, it is common for garbage trucks to be overload with trash.  The general rule of thumb is that a garbage truck is unsafe when there is more than 20,000 pounds of trash in it.

The drivers of the truck belong to the Teamster's Union, Local 726.  Over the years multiple complaints were filed with the National Teamster's Union but Hoffa and crew just sit back and do nothing.  I can only guess that the National Teamster's Outfit thinks it's alright to jeaperdize their members life and the public at large.  Does that sum it up for you Hoffa?  Fill out the feedback form and let us know what you think i.e. if you have enough moxey to do it.

Historically, Wayne Strnad recalls, back in the '70's truck overloading was stopped because what was discovered was that the asphalt was falling apart much to early than originally projected for replacement.  Thus, it became an undue burden on the taxpayer.  It was further reported that when a truck is overloaded, the maneuvering capability is curtailed.  Thus, it would be harder to steer clear of a potential accident.

You can purchase this pdf file that was originally run as a newspaper ad in the Austin Weekly newspaper by clicking on the button Buy Now.  By purchasing anything you are helping Wayne Strnad to continue his efforts to help the community and business as well.





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