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Government and Financial Crime Unit
Despite the fact that Devine was receiving lots of calls, he did absolutely nothing about the Voter Fraud.

Wayne Strnad exposes Government and Financial Crime Unit as cover-up of true facts the community and business people should know about

Dick Devine One of the results of the informational picket that Strnad had for 400 days was the renaming of the Voter Fraud Unit.  Although there is no proof that can be offered as to why they renamed the unit three times, our conjecture is that the original name "Voter Fraud" has too many links to the sign Wayne tauted at his picket.  After all, the sign had Voter Fraud in large, bold lettering.  That corresponded to the name of the unit that would investigate the matter.

When people from the community and business alike, would call Devine's office, there would be an immediate affinity with the response they had on the phone.  However, when the name was changed to Public Integrity Unit, it may have put a doubt in the persons mind as to whether or not they were in the right place.  Changing the name a third time to Governmental and Financial Crime Unit was a total misnomer.  Nobody would make the connection to financial crime because voter fraud is not financial, nor would they make the connection to governmental thing because voter fraud is not governmental to the everyday person on the street.

Wayne Strnad contends that Devine did this to cover up the fact that the State's Attorney office does nothing about voter fraud.

Strnad exposed this deception.



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