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First map of wards after census
There were two maps that were drawn after the 2000 census. This map is the first.

First Map of Wards after Census

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Not only is the census data used to remap congressional districts but it is also used in remapping other political districts, such as wards.  In theory, it reflects population shifts and headcounts.

In Chicago, the 29th Ward was remapped twice.  In the first map, the 29th Ward steered clear of Wayne Strnad and ended more than a block away from his house.  That left Wayne in the 37th Ward of Chicago.  Emma Mitts, who was in charge of Isaac "Ike" Carothers campaign when he stole an election, must have realized that Wayne ended up in her ward.  As a note, after the election Daley appointed Emma Mitts to the position of Alderman of the 37th Ward.  On the street, the 37th Ward was referred to as 29B.

In a quirk move, the very block that Wayne lives on was shifted out of both the 29th and 37th Wards of Chicago.  The block was put in the 30th Ward of Chicago.  To compensate for the one block shift, a block that appeared north of Fullerton was annexed to the 37th Ward.

It's easy to see what they did with this remap.  In fact, the process is called gerimandering.  It is illegal but taking the matter to court would cost a great deal of money.

The next remap will be very interesting.  We cannot wait to see what they do with Strnad's block.


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