Frequently Asked Questions

Since this website was beta tested, a couple of questions have made there way to the forefront and they are:

Q:  Why do I need a separate login and password for each database you have online?
A:  People have varying interests.  Some may only want to explore the general information section and as such do not require a login and password for anything.

The databases that were developed are, for the most part, also login and password free.  For example, the database relating to a Public School here in Chicago does not require any login and password to access the data.  The database that addresses "Circulators" also does not require a login and password to look at the data.

Q:  The Circulators database does show a login and password link.  Why?
A:  It is true that the Circulators database does provide an area for login and password.  This was incorporated so that those of us who help input data into this system can have access to the database.  You can easily see on any of the screens that allow for the addition of data, a link that reads "Add New."  This is provided so that those of use who input data can add new records or edit the information that is presented.

Q:  In the portal, why do I need to login to look at thing?
A:  You do not need a login to simply view information.  Anyone has access to the information that is online, with the exception of downloads.  If you want to add articles, news, events, and other items to the database then you do need a login and password to perform that task.  Why?  We need to know that the person that is submitting something has a valid email address and can be found, if needed.  Please read the copyright and disclaimer found at the bottom of this page.

Q:  I cannot view anything in the Alternative Health system?
A:  You can view the opening page for the Alternative Health System and we do have the cross reference links active for you.  To view the specifics that our research has produced does require a login and password.

Q:  Why don't you allow a hotmail account?
A:  We also do not allow a gmail account.  These forms of email accounts disguise your real email address.  We find no reason why or justification for, the hiding of anything.  If you cannot put your real email account then don't apply for a login and password.  Anyone found who disguises their email shall be immediately denied access to the system and any of its resources.  We have nothing to hide, nor should you!

Q:  Do you monitor the system, news, articles, etc.?
A:  Yes.  We realize that there are some people who just want to place an advertisement on the system, in essence just selling a product, such as viagra.  They do not provide any research or findings about the product but just want to sell it.  These ads shall be removed without question and their ip address banned from the system.

Q:  What's the difference between a user and member?
A:  In the Portal a user has greater access to materials.  A member account has the maximum access allowed.



  • General questions for everyone
  • Login and password
  • Database access
  • Portal Access
  • Alternative Health
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