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This Month

Dumpster Pressure
We seek information about Dumpster Sites. This is a haven for under the table money.

Wayne Strnad puts Pressure Over Dumpster Injury.  Community and Business concerns.

Dear Commissioner Sanchez,

Yesterday we faxed your office a copy of a flyer with the headline “Seasonal Laborer’s Hand Crushed!” It is indeed a sad day when human suffering takes its toll in the form of bodily injury because of the continued negligence of abiding by city rules and union contract, that are suppose to be adhered to but apparently more often than not, are only used when your ward superintendents care to enforce one-sided justice.

We feel sorry that Mr. Sylvester Campbell had his hand crushed but perhaps out of this we can all learn a lesson. Speaking of lessons, in the City of Chicago Personnel Rules, Rule XV, you’ll find information about training....

As you may know, Commissioner Alfanso "Al" Sanchez was later indicted by the District U.S. Attorney General.

He is allegedly involved with the Hispanic Democratic Organization (HDO), an organization composed of political cronies affiliated with Mayor Daley.  Daley gave the organization part of their seed money to get started.  Later, Wayne Strnad told the State Board of Election that HDO's address that they reported to the State Board of Election in Illinois in their required D2's did not correspond to their true address.  In other words, they lie to the community and business concerns alike.  The State Board of Elections did nothing about the matter.


Business and Home Services

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Last Updated 

Wayne Strnad - Primary Site waynestrnad.info  Updated News from Many Sources  May 6, 2013 
Command Control  commandcontrol.us Database Software for your desktop. 

May 1, 2013

Version 1.3 

Introductory Algebra  algebramath.net  Wayne Strnad's book on Introductory Algebra May 6, 2013 
My Learner Center  mylearnercenter.com Various instructional materials.  May 6, 2013 
How to Write a Petition  howtowriteapetition.net Getting money for your community.  Dec 25, 2013 


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