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Alderman Ignores Petition
Typical of this alderman is the fact that he ignores petitions that are submitted.

Wayne Strnad says, "Alderman Ignores Petition" of community and business people

In America, any citizen has the right to petition government.  As a representative of the people, the person must accept and act on the petition.  In essence, it is the will of the people.

The petition in question dealt with permit parking.  Circulated by Wayne Strnad, nearly every single person on the block signed the petition and although one needed slightly more than 1/2 of the residents, we got the vast majority to sign.  The title of this page, Alderman Ignores Petition, refers to the alderman Isaac "Ike" Carothers.  He is one-and-the-same alderman that was indicted and admitted guilty to charges brought forward by the Distict U.S. Attorney General.



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