Letter 11/25/01

Dear Cook County State's Attorney Devine:

A reply to this message is highly recommended, as we have no other way to confirm receipt of the attached information.  If we do not receive a receipt then we can only assume that this email was misdirected and shall therefore be resent.

We are in receipt of your letter and wish to thank you for forwarding the faxes over to the appropriate party.  We assume the other faxes you received will follow a similar course.

Please forward this email to the individual in charge of the voter fraud unit (alias, Public Integrity Unit) or provide us with the direct email address so that you can avoid the extra step of your forwarding these emails to that individual.  As you will shortly discover, there are quite a few emails you're going to receive.

We have purposely taken the approach of emailing information because the above mentioned unit seems to be very staunch on insisting a particular mode of communication i.e. US Postal (snail) mail, be employed.  Yet we have evidence that the very same mode they insist upon, is unreliable itself; not because the postal system messed up but because mail that was sent to your office seems to have disappeared within your office! We refer to a 40+ page report that was sent last year.  It was mailed certified, return receipt.  So, we do know your office received it but what was done with it remains a mystery.  Also, since the Public Integrity Unit has turned off its fax machine, thus baring the original approach we took, they left us no other choice but email.  Due to this act on behalf of the Public Integrity Unit, some people might get the impression that this unit does not want to fully exercise its fiduciary functions which are mandated by law.  Others might get the impression that the Public Integrity Unit is actually putting up artificial walls by demanding a certain form of communication be adhered to when, in fact, there are no know laws that suggest the US Postal system must be used in the presentation or gathering of evidence.  Then there are those that might get the impression that the Public Integrity Unit simply is going to do nothing in hopes that we go away.  Keep the faith, we won't go away!

The thing we find as a paradox is that if the Public Integrity Unit insists upon this approach, are they not violating laws themselves because they surely are not working in the "best interest" of public trust and that might be construed as grounds for other actions.

On the brighter side, once you save the jpg files that are attached then you can view them at your leisure.  By the way, the statute of limitation date is April 13, 2002.

Since we don't know how much people in your office know about computers, we'll suffice it to say that the jpg files do not require any special reader or software to view their contents.  In fact, you can set up Internet Explorer to view the files.  Your system administrator should know how to do this.

The data you are about to receive required a great deal of work to put together.  We expect that it won't disappear this time. And don't forget what we said in the opening. 


W. A. Strnad

PS.  Please forward the faxes thus far received to the appropriate party in the Public Integrity Unit/Voter Fraud.




Young people participate.

Even high school students participated in the picket.  This was their first taste of Democracy at work.  This is the type of thing that helped build this country since the early days of our forefathers.

Joe participates.

A short time after the picket ended this gentleman who helped on several occasions eventually ended up in a hospital and later died.  We are sorry to see him leave us and wish that in the after life he gets treated fairer than he was in this life.

Joe had seen so many elections and a great deal of the voter fraud in his life that he concluded that they were all "fixed" or rigged.


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