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20000 LB Rule
Some Ward Superintendents think it's ok to overload a truck.

20000 Pound Rule Exposed by Wayne Strnad on behalf of Community and Business concerns.

Truck Overload is Now OK?
Photo showing warning about standing on outside of truck There are specific laws about the weights that a truck can handle. When a truck is filled to capacity or above, it is unsafe for both the driver, laborers and other people on the street. Besides that, overweighted trucks are not as mobile as they should be when not filled to capacity. They are flat out dangerous on the road.
Besides the above, State of Illinois Law charges every trucking company $1.00 per pound of overweight. The state is being ripped off by Streets and Sanitation but the State of Illinois does nothing about the overloaded truck. 
Wayne Strnad's Historical Note: Back in the late 60's and early 70's garbage trucks were overloaded. The community near DePaul University noted that the street asphalt was breaking up quicker, thus costing the taxpayer more money in repair. Truck overloading was stopped.  It was simply a bad business practice.
Also, during that period signs appeared almost near every intersection, informing the people about how much weight was allowed on the street. All these signs were taken down and today you find very little indication of their existence.



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