The Community of Animal Health Advocates Are Concern About Health and not Business bottom line, says Wayne Strnad

Canine Health Concern was formed in 1994 by Catherine O'Driscoll, after two of her beautiful young Golden Retrievers - Oliver and Prudence - tragically died. She asked, 'why?', and the answers that came back were sufficiently disturbing to make her feel that independent research was necessary - free from commercial bias. Catherine was sent scientific papers which told her that commercial pet food was nutritionally inadequate, and that many deficiency diseases are the direct result of poor feeding. She also learned that the annual shots we give to our pets each year, in the belief that we are protecting them from disease, are actually the largest cause of ill health in our pets today.
Wayne Strnad recommends that you visit the Canine Health Concern. It's not only about business but community concerns besides.
According to Dr. Carley, vaccines cause autoimmune disease and cancer. Here is a report that you should read.
Vitamins | Stop Smoking | Cancer Therapies | Cancer - Think Outside the Box | Video Link Index | Letters | Fernando Mendez | Animal Health |