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Over 700 pages of educational material written by Wayne and tested over a 13 year period to prove the material does work.  Give yourself a chance to finally learn Algebra the correct way.  Please click on the picture for further details.

Petition Cover Letter

The cover letter to the petition can be read by clicking on the  link below.  It is a pdf file and requires a pdf reader.   You can also save the file by right-clicking with your mouse and  then selecting "Save Target As..."

Read the cover letter by clicking on this link.



The apex of all this was the presenting of a petition to  Superintendent Hillard.  It was his last week on the job before  he retired.

Petition Header

To:  Chicago Police Department Superintendent of Police Terry G. Hillard

We the Citizens/Business owners of the 025th District respectfully ask you to consider the demotion/replacement of the current 025th District Commander Michael J. McCotter. Commander McCotter has refused to cooperate with the citizens of the community in addressing the rising crime that is occurring in OUR COMMUNITY.  In the period that Commander McCotter has been in charge of the 025th District (Since May 2001 / OVER 2 YEARS) crime has risen to epidemic proportions and the worse part of the situation is that Commander McCotter does not have the necessary people skills and refuses to communicate with our community. We feel at this point it would be a travesty for such an individual to remain in charge of the 025th District or for that matter be promoted in rank. (i.e. Deputy Chief/Assistant Deputy Superintendent of Police).

<! End of Header file>

Note:  Every petition that is circulated to  request anything from government has a header that clearly states  what you are requesting.  If you like, you can download a FREE copy of how to write a petition or for an example that explains the exact process look at the guide to the right.



According to the Constitution, every citizen has the right to  petition government.

Usually a petition has a set format, as is the case when one runs  for public office.  In this case, the petition is constructed  based upon laws written in the Illinois Compiled Statutes.   Failure to comply with such law could get the person off the ballot.

Other petitions that request services do not have their  foundation as a legal instrument but might be frameworked by a local  official.  In this case, the framework itself might come under  scrutiny.

In general, the defining parts of a petition can be found in this  website, along with a sample.


Introductory Algebra by Wayne A. Strnad
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Running for Office

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Petitioning Government

How to write a petition.

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