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This is McCotter.  After our petition was presented to the Superintendent, McCotter was removed as commander and then buried in another department of the City of Chicago - Special Events.
Later, McCotter was given another post when the Governor of Illinois was removed from office (Rod) and Quinn took control.  McCotter now works for the State of Illinois.
Looking back, he should actually thank Wayne for circulating the petition because it opened new doors for him.  We wonder how much Madigan had to do with this new position?

July 2, 2003

Superintendent Hillard

Chicago Police Department
3510 S. Michigan
Chicago, Illinois 60653

Dear Superintendent Hillard:

Under legal advisement I am forwarding this letter to your  attention. Please be aware that several Freedom of Information Act  requests have been denied. Therefore, we are asking that you authorize  the release of the following information via the FOIA.

 1. A copy of the Rules€¯ for CAPS aka District Advisory Council (or Committee) or the District Steering Council (or  Committee) for Districts 13 and 25.

 2. A complete list of all banks and respective account numbers through which the District Advisory Council (or  Committee) or the District Steering Council (or Committee) had funds  transferred within the above timeframe.

 3. Names of any and all firms that have  audited all accounts along with copies of their reports. Please include both summary and detailed reports.

 4. Copies of all monthly statements for every aforementioned accounts/funds.

 5. Complete list of payees, with detailed information that includes check numbers, date issued and amount disbursed.

 6. Complete list of revenue sources, be they  fund, fund transfer from other city accounts, donations, etc. - include reference account numbers, amount transferred and from where - same for every revenue source.

 Regarding items 2 through 6:  Timeframe: 1/1/99 - Last Statement received.

 The above should include information for every subcommittee as well.


 Wayne A. Strnad

 CC: Other interested parties



Just to cover all bases, we also send off a FOIA to Hillard.

Since the CPD did not care to respond to our requests and  McCotter still has not done anything, we start circulating a  petition to get him removed as Commander.


Introductory Algebra by Wayne A. Strnad
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